Monday, November 25, 2019

Write 2 Critiques of the Antique Store Photographs

Today you will write TWO thorough critiques using the Critique Guide.

Copy and Paste the questions from the Critique Guide and change your answers to a different text color.

1. the first will be a critique of one of your pictures from field trip. Include a copy of the picture with your critique.

2. The second will be a critique of one of your classmate's pictures from the field trip. Include the picture and the name of the classmate.

Here is a good example of a written critique:

Edit and Post Your Antique Store Photographs

Edit and Post the Antique Store from the field trip.

Crop, De-saturate and adjust Levels to get the best possible  image. 

All photos must be in Black and White. You may upload color pictures, but there must also be a Black and White version.

Your uploaded pictures should include :
  • 3 Still Life including at least 1 with a definite Focal Point and at least 1 that includes Repetition of the Elements
  • 3  Details - either Close ups or Textures
  • 3-5 additional pictures of your choice from the field trip

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Football Field Photos - Depth of Field Practice

Upload at least 4 of the photos you took today.

The Fence and Shadows

  • 1 Shallow D.o.F
  • 1 Deep D.o.F

2 of your choice

  • 1 Shallow D.o.F
  • 1 Deep D.o.F

Label each picture Deep or Shallow and include the exposure settings for ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hands-On Review Day

Today we will go out and practice Aperture and Depth of Field.

Upload the following pictures and include the ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture settings:

Photo 1

  • Take a picture with a definite Focal Point
  • Shallow Depth of Field

Photo 2

  • Take a picture using the Rule of Thirds
  • Deep Depth of Field

Photo 3

  • Take a picture of something close up  with Bugs Eye View
  • Shallow Depth of Field

Photo 4

  • Take a picture with leading Lines
  • Deep Depth of Field

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Still Life Photography

Today we will set up and photograph a Still Life photograph using various objects and lighting.

Use s Shutter Speed of 1/60 or greater
Use a wide Aperture for Shallow Depth of Field

Use the lowest ISO that will work

In a Still Life photograph you have complete control over the composition, lighting, and exposure settings of the picture.

It does not have to be composed of a lot of things. A single object that is dramatically lighted is sometimes the best way to go.

You need to take the foreground and background into consideration as well. Choose a dark backdrop or textures in your picture as well.

You can focus on close ups and details....

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

or use Shallow Depth of Field 

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

or capture the entire object with dramatic shadows....

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

or set up an interesting composition...

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

Related image

Use shadows and repetition

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

or use even lighting

Image result for still life, photography, black and white

Friday, November 1, 2019

Studio Portraits Due Today

Edit and upload your portraits today.

Upload at least 5 Black and White portraits. 

Black and White is required but you can include color as well.

Final Review Study Questions

Copy and Paste the following terms and search our class blog for the definitions . This will serve as a study guide for your Hands-On Demo...