Friday, September 27, 2019

Principals of Design in Photography

Examples of Design Principles in Photography

Capture 2 photos of each of the Principles of Design.

16 photographs total.

Texture - Take pictures to capture rough, smooth, cracked, bumpy, etc

Image result for texture in photography

Image result for texture in photography

Variety - Take pictures with an interesting/different mix of objects
Related image

Image result for variety in photography

Unity/Harmony - Take a picture with a group of similar objects or values 

Image result for unity, harmony in photography definition

Image result for unity, harmony in photography definition

Pattern - Repetition - Rhythm 

Image result for rhythm in photography

Image result for rhythm in photography

Proportion - Scale - Use differences in size and distance 

Image result for proportion and scale in photography

Image result for proportion, scale in photography

Emphasis Focal point - 

Image result for focal point photography examples

Image result for emphasis in photography

Movement - Use both Freezing Action and Motion Blur

Image result for movement in photography

Image result for movement in photography

Balance - Symmetrical and Asymmetrical

Image result for balance, photography

Image result for balance, photography

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Point of View and Leading Lines

Today we will talk about Point of View and Leading Lines.

When taking pictures, don't just shoot at Eye level. Change your perspective and Point of View!
Take a look at the examples at the site below.

Bugs Eye View is essentially any image taken looking up from eye level, or lower.
Birds Eye view is looking down from eye level or higher.
Eye level is simply taking a picture from straight ahead.

Leading Lines
Leading Lines are natural lines in a scene that direct the viewer's eye to another point in the image. They may be curved, horizontal or vertical.

Capture 2 Images of each of the following perspectives and post them to your blog:

Birds eye Perspective
Bugs eye
Eye Level
Horizontal Leading Lines
Vertical Leading Lines
Diagonal Leading Lines
Combination of 2 of the various perspectives.

Make sure to label each picture.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rule of Thirds Exercise - Due Today

Today you will take pictures using the Rule of Thirds. 

First set your ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture to get a correctly exposed picture.

Next compose the picture using the Rule of Thirds.

You will need to post 6 examples of the Rule of Thirds to your blog. For each example write an explanation of how the rule of thirds was used in each picture.

Here is a good example of what your post should look like. 

Repeat this for 6 photos, plus one that BREAKS the Rule of Thirds (the Focal Point is centered).

Include your exposure settings.

Here is an example

This photo follows the Rule of Thirds because the girl's head aligns with the upper right third and the wall on the left begins at the top third of the picture.
Exposure Settings: ISO 800 SS 1/60  F 5.6

Composing a photograph using the Rule of Thirds

Today you will take pictures using the Rule of Thirds. You will need to post 6 examples of the Rule of Thirds to your blog. For each example write an explanation of how the rule of thirds was used in each picture.

Here is a good example of what your post should look like. Repeat this for 6 photos, plus one that BREAKS the Rule of Thirds.

The rule of thirds is probably the most often referenced photography rule of composition.  It is all about subject placement within the frame.

Imagine that your picture space is divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically, like a tic tac toe grid.

The rule of thirds 1

The photography rule of thirds tells us to align our subject with one of the points where those lines cross. That means our subject is one third of the way “into” the picture space – from either the top or bottom, and from either the left or right. And that means it’s not in the middle.

Image result for rule of thirds

Here is an example of the rule of thirds for a landscape photo. The Focal Point, or Emphasis is on the tree and the bottom two-thirds of the photograph are composed of the lake and the top third is sky.

Here are additional links explaining and demonstrating the Rule of thirds.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Elements of Exposure Review - Technical Challenges - DUE TODAY

Upload your 4 photos:

1. Freezing Action with Shallow Depth of Field

2. Motion Blur with Shallow Depth of Field

3. Freezing Action with Deep Depth of Field

4. Motion Blur with Deep Depth of Field

Label each and include the exposure settings for ISO, Shutter, and Aperture.

Answer the questions:

Which pictures were easiest to capture and why?

Which pictures were the most difficult to capture and why?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Elements of Exposure Review - Technical Challenges

Lets go outside and take some technically challenging photos that use all of the Elements of Exposure.

Take 4 correctly exposed Photos:

1. Freezing Action with Shallow Depth of Field

2. Motion Blur with Shallow Depth of Field

3. Freezing Action with Deep Depth of Field

4. Motion Blur with Deep Depth of Field

Post your photos with the description and settings and answer the following....

Which picture was easiest to capture and why?

Which picture was the most difficult to capture and why?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Aperture - Depth of Field Exercise

Today you will post pictures showing both Shallow and Deep Depth of Field.

Post your examples to your blog demonstrating both shallow and extended Depth of Field.

You should have 2 examples of both deep and shallow depth of Field.

Here is a great example from a student in a different class:

Include all of your camera's exposure Settings. 
follow the format below for each picture:

This pic was shot at ISO 400, Shutter Speed 1/125, aperture f 3.5. 
The DoF is very shallow:

This pic was shot at ISO 1600, Shutter Speed 1/60, Aperture f32. 
it has an extended Depth of Field.

Aperture - Depth of Field Practice - Ruler

You should have your aperture practice from last class posted.

Here is a great example

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ansel Adams Research DUE TODAY

Read about Ansel and answer the questions. 

Go to and add 2 photographs to your blog post that you like.

This is due today

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Aperture - The AMOUNT of light let into the camera

Aperture is the opening in the lens that controls the AMOUNT of light that you allow to enter the camera. 

It is measured in a thing we call the F number.

As you decrease the size of the Aperture you increase the amount of the picture that is in focus. This is called Depth of field.

Watch the following video for a good explanation of how Aperture works. We'll began using different F Stops and doing Depth of Field exercises later in class.

Depth of Field is the amount of the image that is in sharp focus

Here is the a link that describes how and when to use Aperture Priority

Here's link that descibes how to take better pictures using Aperture Priority.

Use the Nikons to experiment with Depth of Field around the building. Take pictures with both Shallow and Deep Depth of Field. We'll post them next class.

Shutter Speed Exercise - Post to Your Blog - DUE TODAY

In 3 correctly exposed (not underexposed or overexposed) capture an example of the following:
  • Freezing Action
  • Motion Blur
  • Tracking 

Label each picture with the shutter speed and ISO you used. 

See the examples below.....

Freezing Action
Shutter Speed 1/1250 seconds

ISO 3200

Motion Blur
Shutter speed 1.6 seconds
ISO 100

Shutter Speed 1/3 seconds
ISO 400

Final Review Study Questions

Copy and Paste the following terms and search our class blog for the definitions . This will serve as a study guide for your Hands-On Demo...