Friday, September 27, 2019

Principals of Design in Photography

Examples of Design Principles in Photography

Capture 2 photos of each of the Principles of Design.

16 photographs total.

Texture - Take pictures to capture rough, smooth, cracked, bumpy, etc

Image result for texture in photography

Image result for texture in photography

Variety - Take pictures with an interesting/different mix of objects
Related image

Image result for variety in photography

Unity/Harmony - Take a picture with a group of similar objects or values 

Image result for unity, harmony in photography definition

Image result for unity, harmony in photography definition

Pattern - Repetition - Rhythm 

Image result for rhythm in photography

Image result for rhythm in photography

Proportion - Scale - Use differences in size and distance 

Image result for proportion and scale in photography

Image result for proportion, scale in photography

Emphasis Focal point - 

Image result for focal point photography examples

Image result for emphasis in photography

Movement - Use both Freezing Action and Motion Blur

Image result for movement in photography

Image result for movement in photography

Balance - Symmetrical and Asymmetrical

Image result for balance, photography

Image result for balance, photography

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