Friday, October 11, 2019

Using the Dodge and Burn Tool in Photoshop

Today we will discuss the Burning and Dodging tools in Photoshop. 

The Burn Tool will darken an area, the Dodge Tool lightens an area.

I will give a demonstration of this in class.

After I show you how to use the tools you will post an example of your use of the tools. The instructions and examples are below:

Post a before and after picture demonstrating your use of the Burn and dodge tools in Photoshop.

The burn tool will darken areas of your image, and the Dodge tool will lighten areas of your image.

In a brief paragraph explain the areas that you burned and dodged.

Follow the example below:

Original Photograph

Dodged and Burned Photograph

I dodged the highlights on the bananas and in the blurry chair in the background. I felt like the picture would be stronger if you could better see the details in the distance.
I burned the details in the glass bowl as well as in the bananas because I felt that the bowl was too grayish and i wanted more contrast. Finally I burned the wall on the right of the bowl because it was hard to see where the bowl ended and the wall began.

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